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Spier or Speir May have been a job title, such as a spyer or watchman. Speir is a common surname in Kilbarchan. Willelmus Sper was a witness in Perth in the reign of Alexander II (1214-1249). Gilbert Spere was a juror in Irvine 1417. Roger Spere had a tenement in Irvine 1418. David Spere was a Burgess of Glasgow 1475. Alexander Speir of Petincrefe 1476. John Speire witnessed a document in Glasgow .....

Heraldry Database: Hurst


Surname:  Hurst
Branch:  Hurst
Origins:  British
More Info:  England

Background:  Topographic name for someone who lived on a wooded hill, Old English hyrst, or habitational name from one of the various places named with this word, for example Hurst in Berkshire, Kent, Somerset, and Warwickshire, or Hirst in Northumberland and West Yorkshire.

Motto:  Pro Deo et rege, For God and the king.
Arms:  Ar. the sun, in splendor, gu.
Crest:  In a wood ppr. the sun or.

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Recorded in the spellings of Hurst, Herst, Hearst, and Hirst, this is an English surname. It is either a topographical for someone who lived on a wooded hill, deriving from the Old English pre 7th century word "hyrst", or as a locational name from one of the various places called Hurst, in Berkshire, Kent, Somerset, and Warwickshire, or Hirst in Northumberland and the West Riding of Yorkshire. The surname dates back to the late 11th century (see below), and further examples of early recordings include Helias de Hirst of Yorkshire in the cecords of the Knight Templars of England in 1177, and that of Walter del Hurst in the Pipe Rolls of Buckinghamshire in 1236. Amongst the many interesting examples of recordings is that of Tobias Hurst. He was one of the earliest emigrants to the the American colonies of New England where he is recorded as living in "Elizabeth Cittie", Virginia, in early 1624. He arrived on the ship "Treasurer of London" in 1618, which was two years before the famous Pilgrim Fathers on their ship "Mayflower" in 1620. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Thomas de Herst. This was dated 1086, in the famous Domesday Book of England, during the reign of King William 1st, known as "The Conqueror", 1066 - 1087.

Name Variations:  Hurst, Herst, Hearst, Hirst.

One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.
The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842.
A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860.
English Surnames; C.M. Matthews - 1966.
A Dictionary of English Surnames; P.H. Reaney - 1958.
Surname Database: http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Hurst


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