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Coat of Arms
Some of the most famous Irishmen named King have been of Anglo-Irish stock, notably Archbishop William King (1650-1729), a vigorous Protestant: he was an ornament to the nation by reason of his encouragement of the Irish language in Dublin University, his collection of manuscripts, and his support of Swift, e.g. in his campaign against "Wood's halfpence". Another Protestant, Rev. Robert King (1815.....
Heraldry Database: Ewing
Surname: Ewing
Branch: Ewing
Origins: Scottish
More Info: Scotland
Background: This story of the origin of Clan Ewing is considered in connection with the Gaelic Highland records, is all the light we have regarding the origin of this family name. That evidence leads to the conclusion that the name of the Glasgow-Loch Lomond Ewing clan, or family from which the Ewings here considered descended, is the Cymric Lowland origin. It is clear, that those who hold to the Gaelic origin overlook the Cymric evidence, certainly as to the family, it is worth repeating for emphasis. Of course it must not be forgotten that, as has been said, there are Ewings who are *Scotch or Scotch ancestry who are not descended from our ancient Scotch ancestors.
Motto: Audaciter, Boldly. Arms: Ar. a chev. gu. ensigned with a banner of the second, charged with a canton az. thereon a saltire of the first, all betw. two mullets in chief and the sun in his splendour in base of the second, a bordure indented, also of the second, charged with three crescents of the first for diff. Crest: A demi lion ramp. holding in his dexter paw a mullet gu. Badge: Sept of MacLachlan: Castle. Plant: Rowan Seedlings fructed Proper. View the Heraldry Dictionary for help.
The Ewings are of Scottish descent, originally from the West of Scotland, near Glasgow. They were located on the River Forth, near Stirling Castle, in the vicinity of Loch Lomond. Their religion was Presbyterian. The reproduction of the coat of arms, above, was recognized by the Hon. Thomas Ewing family as coming from Scottish ancestors. Near the lower middle of the drawing is "Mask Ewing," short for Maskell Ewing.
During the mid-1600's, there was great religious persecution of the Protestants in Scotland. According to the tradition of the Ewing clan, the Ewings of America trace their origin to six stalwart brothers of a Highland clan, who, with their chieftain, engaged in insurrection in 1685, in which they were defeated, their chieftain captured and executed and themselves outlawed. It is told that our Ewing ancestors first went from their seat on the River Forth to the Isle of Bute, in Scotland, and then settled at or near Coleraine, County Londonderry, of Ulster, in Northern Ireland. On July 12, 1690, members of the Ewing Clan took part in the Battle of the Boyne, fought on the river of that name in Eastern Ireland. In this battle, King James II was opposed by William of Orange who was fighting for the Irish Protestants. The result of this battle was the complete overthrow of James, thus forcing his abdication of the throne and establishing the rule of William and Mary. The anniversary of this battle is still celebrated by the Orangemen, or Irish Protestants.
Who were these six stalwart Ewing brothers? Much research still needs to be done but at this point in time, the brothers might have included: John Ewing of Carnshanagh; Robert Ewing, father of Alexander; Findley (Finley) Ewing, father of Thomas; James Ewing of Inch Island; William Ewing, father of Nathaniel; and possibly an Alexander Ewing.
It is reported that three Ewing men lost their lives in the Battle of the Boyne. Captain Findley( Finley/ Ffinlay) Ewing, (born about 1650) father of Thomas Ewing Sr. was awarded a silver sword by his sovereign King William in recognition of his bravery during the battle. It is not known what act of valor for which he was honored. But the sword presented was silver-handled and was in possession of the family in New Jersey when it was stolen by a slave and the handle was melted for its metal. Before its theft, it was worn during the American Revolution by Dr. Thomas Ewing, an army surgeon and great grandson of its original owner. Findley Ewing was a staunch Presbyterian and an ardent advocate of liberty. He married Jane Porter in Londonderry, Ireland in 1694. Recent research leads us to believe that their son, Thomas Ewing Sr. may have been born in 1690 in Londonderry rather than 1695 as has been thought for many years. (See quote from Margaret Ewing Fife's book on Thomas Ewing Sr. page.) He became the first American immigrant of this Ewing line. There are several references to Captain Findley Ewing's father as being James Ewing of Glasgow, Scotland, born about 1630; however, the proof of this fact remains to be found.
Name Variations: Ewing, Ewan, Ewen, Ewings, Ewin, Ewins, Hewin, Hewins, Uwins, Yewen, Youens, Youings.
References:One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842. A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860. Scottish Clans and Tartans; Neil Grant - 2000. Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia; George Way of Plean and Romilly Squire - 1994. Scottish Clans and Tartans; Ian Grimble - 1973. World Tartans; Iain Zaczek - 2001. Clans and Families of Scotland; Alexander Fulton - 1991.
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