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The name Yeats, alias Yates and Yeates, Is on record in Dublin in the seventeenth century. The ancestor of the well known Co. Sligo family was Jervis Yeats, a citizen of Dublin who died in 1712. The first in Co. Sligo was Church of Ireland rector of Drumcliff. He was grandfather of John Butler Yeats (1839-1922) the artist, who had two famous sons, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939), the poet, and Ja.....

Heraldry Database: Shore


Surname:  Shore
Branch:  Shore
Origins:  British
More Info:  England

Background:  Meaning of Name: Dweller by the Shore. Quote from English Surnames, "Some people, of course, lived on the coast, but their numbers were small compared with those in the thousands of inland farms and villages, and there are few surnames that can be definitely attributed to them. The sea itself has made no surname, unless it is represented by rather rare Say (cf Peacock and Paycock). Probably among coast dwellers it was too large and vague an expression, and a more detailed form of address such as by the cliff or Cave was preferable, or more exactly still, the Redcliffe or Radcliffe, or the South Cliff (Sutcliffe). These could also be inland features, and so could Shore, which was used of lakes and rivers as well as the coast, but to counterbalance this we should bear in mind that a sheltered harbour on the coast was often a Poole (as for example Poole in Dorset) and that those who lived by the Waters could be by the sea. Probably the most distinctive seaside name is Sands, written by one well-known Cornish Family in the old form of spelling, Sandys."

Motto:  Perimus licitis, We perish by what is lawful.
Arms:  Ar. a chev. betw. three bayleaves vert.
Crest:  A stork, reguardant, ar. resting his dexter foot on a pellet.

View the Heraldry Dictionary for help.

We are unable to locate the history for this surname. If you can provide us with this information, then please contact Arms & Badges!

Name Variations:  Shore, Shoore, Sure.

One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.
The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842.
A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860.
English Surnames; C.M. Matthews - 1966.
A Dictionary of English Surnames; P.H. Reaney - 1958.


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