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Coat of Arms

Brown(e) families comprise on of the 10 most numerous names in Scotland and England, and one of the 50 most numerous names in Ireland. Often a name of English or Scottish origins when found in Ireland, the final 'e' in the name appears common in Ireland.

One of the noted 'Tribes of Galway', this family was of Anglo-Norman descent, coming from the name of le Brun. They are still of note .....

Heraldry Database: Thomas


Surname:  Thomas
Branch:  Thomas
Origins:  Welsh
More Info:  Wales

Background:  An Aramaic name meaning 'twin'. Before the Norman Conquest, Thomas is found only as the name of a priest. After the Conquest it became one of the most popular Christian names. The first letter of the name was originally the Greek "theta" which accounts for the TH spelling.

Motto:  I Dduw Bo'R Diolch, To God Be Thanks.
Arms:  Alias Harpwaye, sa. a chev. and a canton erm.
Crest:  A demi-unicorn erm. armed and crined or, supporting a shield sa.

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The Thomas surname is of patronymic origin, that is, it is based on the first name of the father. In this case, it means "son of Thomas". The Thomas surname is found throughout the United Kingdom, but is generally considered to be Welsh in origin.

According to Harleian Manuscripts, which in many cases are the first recorded existence of a family's lineage, the name Thomas was recorded in the following main counties: BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, CORNWALL, HEREFORDSHIRE, KENT, MIDDLESEX, SURREY, and SUSSEX. Harleain manuscripts were recorded for English and Welsh families during the time after the Conquests, roughly between 1530 and 1700.

Name Variations:  Thomas, Tomas, Thomason, Thomerson, Thomazin.

One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.
The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842.
A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860.


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