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Coat of Arms
The derivation of this name from the old English ‘cealdwielle’, meaning ‘cold stream’, makes it impossible to state a definite territorial origin for the name. Certainly, old lands of that name are found in Renfrewshire, and the oldest record of a family bearing this name coming to prominence is in that district. Black records William de Caldwell holding land in 1342. Nisbet states that the Caldwe.....
Heraldry Database: Reid
Surname: Reid
Branch: Reid
Origins: Scottish
More Info: Scotland
Motto: Virtutis Gloria Merces, Glory is the reward of valour. Arms: Ar. an eagle, displayed, sa. membered and armed or, on his breast an escocheon gu. View the Heraldry Dictionary for help.
We are unable to locate the history for this surname. If you can provide us with this information, then please contact Arms & Badges!
Name Variations: Reid, Read, Reed, Reede, Redd, Reade.
References:One or more of the following publications has been referenced for this article.The General Armory; Sir Bernard Burke - 1842. A Handbook of Mottoes; C.N. Elvin - 1860. Scottish Clans and Tartans; Neil Grant - 2000. Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia; George Way of Plean and Romilly Squire - 1994. Scottish Clans and Tartans; Ian Grimble - 1973. World Tartans; Iain Zaczek - 2001. Clans and Families of Scotland; Alexander Fulton - 1991.
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