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'Enjoy Life' Brand - Pigmented fun t-shirts with our 'Enjoy Life' logo. Stickers available too!

'StormCelt' Brand - Rugged wilderness outdoor wear for the true independent Celt.

'StormGale' Brand - Clothing products to keep you warm & dry when storm winds blow.

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Coat of Arms

The name Mackenzie, or MacCoinnich, as it appears in Gaelic, is generally taken to mean "son of Kenneth", and the original Kenneth, who lived in the thirteenth century, is said to have descended from a younger son of Gilleoin of the Aird. The MacKenzies were, without doubt, of Celtic stock and were not among the clans that originated from Norman ancestors. We know little about the generations imme.....

Books And Gifts: Scottish Fairy Tales

Scottish Fairy Tales


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Product Description:

Colorful stories from ancient and modern Scottish sources will charm young readers with the deeds of mermaids, giants and other supernatural creatures. Includes "Battle of the Fairy Kings," "Conall and the Thunder Hag," "In the Kingdom of Seals," "The Maid-of-the-Wave," "The Land of Green Mountains," and many more. 34 illustrations. The eight Scottish fairy tales contained in this paperback are delightful adventures. Virtues such as loyalty, honesty, and wisdom are the characteristics of even the least of heros. This Dover edition, first published in 1997, is a new selection of fairy tales from *Wonder Tales from Scottish Myth and Legend,* originally published by Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, in 1917. John Green provides illustrations specifically for this edition. The tales are: "Battle of the Fairy Kings," "The Princess of Land-under-Waves," "Conall and the Thunder Hag," "The Story of Finlay and the Giants," "The Story of Michael Scott," "In the Kingdom of Seals," "The Maid-of-the-Wave," and "The Land of Green Mountains." This is indeed an excellent read.

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All orders are shipped via the United States postal service. Downloads are sent via Email within 24-48 hours. For business and wholesale orders, please contact us for a discounted price and special shipping instructions. Orders outside of the United States requires additional shipping fees. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee for defects in workmanship. Your satisfaction is our priority! Please tell your friends and family about the Celtic Radio Store!

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